High Quality German Products & Services
We are your one-stop source for all things German.
Shop online, visit our store, see available services (translation, tutoring, consulting, and more), or contact us if there's anything special you're looking for. We'll try to get it for you!

About Us
When I came to the USA in 1998, I was a housewife and mother to our daughter, who was 6 years old at the time. An uncle of my husband made a remark that I should have a German business, after seeing all the authentic pieces I brought over from Germany. At that time I laughed at him since retail was never in my mind. But somehow his idea stuck with me and I founded my own business a year later: German Specialty Imports. It started as a hobby, and has grown into a place to connect with the German-American community and share unique cultural traditions. I'm looking forward to helping you find you favorite German items!
- Erika