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ON 0001-10852500 Onno Behrends Green Tea Bags 50 / 2.6 oz

ON 0001-10852500 Onno Behrends Green Tea Bags 50 / 2.6 oz

  • $12.66
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 from a great Tea maker Onno Behrends since 1887. 


About Us

Onno Behrends stands for quality and tradition: back in 1895, the founder Onno Georg Behrends registered the tea cross as a trademark for guaranteed good quality. This special tea quality has been cultivated over generations, always keeping the origin of the tea in focus. Even today, our tea is packaged directly in East Frisia and combines a really strong, aromatic tea recipe with a long-lasting tradition

When it comes to tea drinking, there’s one region in Germany in particular – East Frisia – where it has become a ceremonious act. The East Friesians are the biggest tea drinkers in the world, even more than the British. In 2016, the East Frisian Tea Ceremony is granted UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Cultural Heritage status. 

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